First Day Of New Year 2018

Goooooooooooood Moooooooooooooorrrrrrning 1 Jan 2018. I welcome this new year with great enthusiasm and hopes. Wish all my friends a very Happy New Year. I started my day with the below quote.

This year I decided to upgrade myself for those things which I left behind since having kids like makeup, dressing up and buying new dresses and my corporate job. In today's world, you really have to be smartly dressed up, donned with all jewelry, all makeup showing a fake face and much more to settle down in this show off world. This month is also my birthday, soon I am turning 40. I have realized by now it does not matter how truthful you are, ethical and trustworthy. People believe on those who are boastful, show off and just like that crib all the time. But I am grateful and thankful to GOD that I AM DIFFERENT.

Now I look for trustworthiness in any kind of relations, more inclined towards ethics and not being judgemental. I have no room for any fakeness and lie. My friend circle is becoming smaller as I am different. It is good to see this new change, I do not have to eliminate people from my life. Things are automatically falling into place. My doings are my offering to GOD everyday. I strongly believe that being human is someone who behaves equally with anyone in this world without being biased of status, earning and look. 

With this quote, I am completing this post. For resolutions as such, I don't have any. As every day, I make up my mind and execute. So nothing left for this year. Though I would love to be more involved in the below activities.

1) Fitness: Yet to lose 10 kgs. I want to be 50kg, by this year end :).
2) Baking: A lot of new cakes, pastry, cupcakes, and brownies yet to bake and publish.
3) Buy a new makeup kit.
4) Buy more new dresses.
5) Need minimum 20 pairs of different footwear.
6) Minimum 10 bags for different brands.
7) Perfumes.
8) Buy a domain.
9) More involved on social media.
10) Participate in different blogging events.
11) Get my job and back to corporate world.

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